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News of Holy Russia 26.03.2017: The Marche against corruption forbidden by authorities has taken place in Moscow.

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Grand Prince Prof. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has taken part in the national Marche against corruption forbidden by the Kremlin authorities. Action has passed from 14 till 16 o'clock in the Tver Street of Moscow. Marche has visited more than twenty thousand Muscovites and visitors of capital. Goings resignation of Prime-minister Dmitry Medvedev and all Kremlin organized criminal grouping demanded.

The Marche against corruption forbidden by the Kremlin authorities has taken place in Moscow in the Tver Street on an appeal of the candidate on post of the President of the Russian Federation Mr. Alexey Navalny. The Moscow authorities have refused to coordinate action, having referred on the invented obstacles in his carrying out.

More than twenty thousand Muscovites and visitors of capital were not afraid of threats on the part of the Kremlin usurpers of authority, and have come on action. The Tver Street and approaches to it were protected with thousand policemen in the special form for dispersal of demonstrations. However they could make nothing with thousand demonstrators which have broken through numbers of "cosmonauts" about the Belarus station and at 14 o'clock have left on sidewalks of the Tver Street. From confusion policemen dropped on the ground boards and drop on the ground. Demonstrators left on the Tver Street from all lanes, therefore the police could not stop citizens of Russia, left to protect the rights.

Most of all people have gathered about underground station Mayakovskaya and underground station Pushkinskaya, the automobiles of police surrounded in the tens and buses for detention not consent with Vladimir Putin's policy.

On crossing of the Tver Street and Mamonov’s lane the police had been detained Alexey Navalny at 14-00. Demonstrators have begun to shake the bus with Alexey Navalny, demanding his free. The police have surrounded with dense ring the bus which has brought the leader of protest movement in branch of police.

During procession on both parties of sidewalk of the Tver Street demonstrators cried out antigovernmental slogans, resignation of Prime-minister Dmitry Medvedev and all Kremlin the organized criminal grouping demanded led by Vladimir Putin. Continually the police detained demonstrators with posters and flags. In result the police have arrested about 1000 person.

As whole action has passed, as active workers on struggle against corruption and an existing mode of authority of the gone too far security officers and conceived spongers of them.

Muscovites were not afraid of reprisals and threats of application of force.

Russia will be free!

Below is the picture story about Marche against corruption in Moscow 26.03.2017.

In photos are Grand Prince Prof. Dr. Valeriy Kubarev, Alexey Navalny’s arrested, Muscovites and visitors of capital, police and the Moscow Streets (26 photos).

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