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General–Colonel Graf Harry–Eric Hesse von Hessenstein, Commander of Russian–Prussian Brigade of EU–Russian Legion of National Guard of Holy Russia

General–Colonel Duke Daniel De Jesus Ruiz Flores, Commander of the Brigade of Chaplains of National Guard of Holy Russia

General–Colonel Count Mikhailo Alexandrovich Krejany, Commander of the Legion of the Australian Union of National Guards of Holy Russia

Colonel–Chaplain Count Brendan–Michael Hammacher, Metropolitan and Archbishop AOCC, USA

General–Colonel Vladimir Ivanovich Skakunov, Commander the Cossack Army of National Guard of Holy Russia, dead 10.09.2015.

General–Colonel Marquis Dr. Benjamin Zvenia, Commander of American-Russian Brigade of American Legion of the National Guard of Holy Russia

Major General Count Esteban Enrique Rigueiro, Commander of police air forces of South American Legion of National Guard of Holy Russia

Lieutenant General Count Roger Magne Djupvik, Commander of the Scandinavian Legion of National Guard of Holy Russia

Lieutenant General HRH Prince Cláudio Magnus Augustus de Saxe-Altenburg Bragança de Lucena, Commander of Latino American Legion of National Guard of Holy Russia

General of Army Count Valeriy Gennadievich Polyansky von Kraulis, Commander of Euro–Russian legion of National Guard of Holy Russia

Colonel Vladimir Sergeevich Dashyan, Commander of the Armenian Legion of National Guard of Holy Russia



About questions of formation of
National Guard of Holy Russia

Will of God and my command, with the purpose of development of idea of monarchic statehood of Holy Russia – Third Rome, in the name of the peace and prosperity of Holy Russia – Third Rome, in the name of restoration of historical validity, and in the name of strengthening the international friendship:

1. The Highest Decree I assert Regulations of National Guard of Holy Russia from 03.01.2014.

2. The Decree inures from the moment of signing.

Sovereign Emperor, Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev

Grand Prince of All Russia Grand Kubensky Rurikovich

Moscow, Holy Russia

January 3, 2014

No. 15


The National Guard is the international military militia (Militia is a national home guard), firmly supporting the established order in Confederation on the basis of the Constitution and Agreement of Confederation of Holy Russia – Third Rome.

The National Guard is the military and militia tool on formation of uniform Christian space in territories of the states of Confederation of Holy Russia. The primary goal of Confederation of Holy Russia this construction of the new world state on the basis of Christian, European and Russian values, uniform spiritual space from Atlantic up to Pacific Ocean.

The National Guard is formed on the basis of professional military (50% of structure) and civilian volunteers (50% of structure), consisting of Cossacks and the armed combatants is the militiamen bearing service on residence.

The National Guard resists to internal threats of Confederation – to corruption, terrorism, extremism, Islamization, the organized crime, illegal migration, mass disorders and other calls.

The National Guard of Holy Russia will consist of four Legions:

1. EU–Russian Legion;
2. The American Legion;
3. South American Legion;
4. Legion of the Australian Union.

Each Legion supports the established order in the designated territory. For example, EU–Russian Legion supports legality on open spaces from Atlantic Ocean up to Pacific Ocean.

Each Legion will consist of Brigades, for example the German–Russian Brigade, British–Russian Brigade, Prussian–Russian Brigade, the Cossack Brigade, etc.

The maintenance:



The National Guard resists to internal threats of Confederation – to corruption, terrorism, extremism, Islamization, the organized crime, illegal migration, mass disorders, spread of drug addiction and other calls.

Performance of problems is carried out by police actions:

– Patrolling’s in cities and suburban areas;
– Patrolling seaside areas on water and is drier;
– The organization of city and suburban control check points (check point);
– Support of local branches of police and parts of the Ministry of Emergency Measures;
– The control and protection of Confederative national borders;
– Search and rescue of missed people;
– Honorable protection of Confederative establishments of Holy Russia;
– Support and protection of transport and places of a congestion of people in dangerous areas on borders;
– Protection and police support in regions where the mode of extreme or special position is entered;
– Detention and arrest of criminals and illegal migrants with their further ex–tradition for limits of Confederation.


National guardsmen receive regimentals – the Russian or German military uniform (a digital uniform, a camouflage).

At disposal of national guardsmen are transferred:

– Means telephone, satellite, network and radio communications;
– An easy and heavy small arms of the Russian and German manufacture;
– Off–Roads automobiles;
– Reserved vehicles, and also armored troop–carriers and easy tanks;
– The easy sea military ships and boats;
– Pilotless and space flying devices.


For performance of the problems and functions the National Guard receives:

– Legal authority of employees of the Interpol;
– Legal authority to detain people and to place them under arrest in time places of detention (TPD) is dungeons of National Guard;
– All arrested persons and arrested should be transferred National Guard to court of Confederation of Holy Russia;
– Local courts of the countries and subjects of Confederation have no right to detain and judge National Guardsmen;
– National Guardsmen jurisdiction only to the Tribunal of National Guard;
– For the control of activity of members of National Guard the service of Own Safety (OS) of National Guard is formed.


National Guardsmen is militiamen from professional military and civil volunteers constantly carry military uniform with signs on distinction:

– The Russian or German digital uniform (camouflage);
– A stamp emblem of Holy Russia;
– Signs on distinction and a stripe;
– Flags and the banners authorized by Sovereign by Emperor of Holy Russia;
– For actions and marches the Hymn of National Guardsmen is used;
– Texts of documents and inscriptions on Latin and Cyrillic;
– Each National Guardsman should speak in two languages Confederations is Russian, English or German languages;
– The National Guardsman can become only Christened person is using body or other cross.


– Supreme Commander in chief of National Guard is Sovereign Emperor of Holy Russia – Third Rome;
– The Top Management of National Guard carries out the Headquarters of National Guards where all Commanders of Legions of National Guard enter;
– Each Legion of National Guard copes the Commander and the Headquarters of the Legion where Commanders of all Brigades of the Legion of National Guards enter;
– Headquarters of National Guard include commanders on administration, public relations, training, acquisition, logistic, medicine, science, examination (the weapon, strategy, tactics, criminology) and of Chaplains.


Training of National Guardsmen passes at a level of colleges, institutes and the Maximus Academy of National Guard.

Instructors and teachers are typed from policemen, militaries and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Measures, and also prospecting special services.

For training National Guardsmen veterans of power structures and special services are involved also.


The National Guard receives in the order not less than one base and item of time place of detention (TPD) in radius of 200 km.

The check point is organized in all cities and on roads of federal value. Cossacks organize check point in places of the residing.


Members of National Guard can become only the Christians past ceremony of Christening, possessing the Roman citizenship or citizenship of subjects of Confederation of Holy Russia, and possessing the following characteristics:

– The age is more senior than 21 years;
– Growth not less than 170 cm;
– Service in army or polices;
– The good physical health determined by special tests;
– The good mental health determined by special tests;
– Presence of average special or higher education;
– Refusal of conducting political activity;
– Active participation in construction of Confederation of Holy Russia.


Members of National Guard realize and voluntary accept the schedule of the life according to the Charter and internal discipline of the military organization:

– Unconditional submission to Sovereign Emperor of Holy Russia, as to Supreme Commander in chief of National Guard;
– Fidelity to the Oath;
– Submission to orders of commanders and requirements of the Charter;
– Passage of calendar service not less than 2 years in professional or voluntary quality;
– Refusal of the use of drugs and smoking;
– Refusal of carrying серег and drawings tattoo on body;
– Refusal from eccentric external shape and hairdresser;
– Adherence to healthy way of life;
– Adherence to traditional Christian values;
– The valid and cultural reference with arrested persons and prisoners.


Financing of National Guard is one of priority directions of budgetary policy of Confederation of Holy Russia.

Financing of National Guards can be carried out due to private and state sponsors of participants of Confederation.

At an initial stage of formation of National Guard, financing of equipment of National Guardsmen, both professionals and volunteers can be carried out for the account of new solders with the further compensation by treasury of the charges suffered by them.

Severing Emperor, Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev

Grand Prince of All Russia Grand Kubensky Rurikovich

Moscow, Holy Russia

January 03, 2014

No. 15

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