Sovereign Emperor Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev became the Grand Protector and Patron of ten Religious and Chivalric Orders: Order of Knights Templar of Saint Anthony (OKTSA), Orthodox Confederation of Saint Benedict, Order of Saint Basil the Great, Order of Saint Benedict, Order of Saint Bridget and Saint Clare, Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky, Order of the Celi' De, Order of Saint John, Order of Celtic Benedictines and Order of Peregrine Christi. On June 30, 2014 the Holy Synod of the American Orthodox Catholic Church (AOCC) in EconoLodge, Wilkes-Barre Twp, PA (USA) has taken place. In absentia of Pontifex Maximus of Nova Church of Holy Russia are Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has joined the Holy Synod. Interests of Pontifex Maximus of Nova Church of Holy Russia were represented by Metropolitan and Archbishop AOCC Count Brendan–Michael Hammacher, USA.
At the kind request of Monks, Ladies and Knights of the Religious and Chivalric Orders close to participants of the Holy Synod and AOCC, Sovereign Emperor Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has taken up duties of the Grand Protector and Patron of ten Religious and Chivalric Orders: Order of Knights Templar of Saint Anthony (OKTSA), Orthodox Confederation of Saint Benedict, Order of Saint Basil the Great, Order of Saint Benedict, Order of Saint Bridget and Saint Clare, Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky, Order of the Celi' De, Order of Saint John, Order of Celtic Benedictines and Order of Peregrine Christi.
Holy Russia, Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich, Nova Church of Holy Russia and Fund of Princes from the bottom of the heart congratulate all Monks, Ladies and Knights of the specified Orders on finding the Grand Protector and Patron are Sovereign Emperor of Holy Russia and Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev. We wish all Monks, Ladies and Knights of Religious and Chivalric Orders of all successes on field of service to the God and good things. The God bless all Monks, Ladies and Knights of Order of Knights Templar of Saint Anthony (OKTSA), Orthodox Confederation of Saint Benedict, Order of Saint Basil the Great, Order of Saint Benedict, Order of Saint Bridget and Saint Clare, Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky, Order of the Celi' De, Order of Saint John, Order of Celtic Benedictines and Order of Peregrine Christi!
Copies of Decrees No. 94 – 103 from 06.06.2014 about acceptance on themselves Sovereign Emperor of Holy Russia and Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev of duties of the Grand Protector and Patron of the Order of Knights Templar of Saint Anthony (OKTSA), Orthodox Confederation of Saint Benedict, Order of Saint Basil the Great, Order of Saint Benedict, Order of Saint Bridget and Saint Clare, Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky, Order of the Celi' De, Order of Saint John, Order of Celtic Benedictines and Order of Peregrine Christi are applied:
